food certifications
Meeting Standards that Matter
For over 30 years, our team has been focused on bringing people together by honouring traditions, one of those being to inspect for quality and safety at all times.
By consistently meeting and exceeding
food safety
and quality, we are able to honour our traditions without compromising on meeting
high standards.

British Retail Consortium
Since 2011, Backerhaus Veit’s manufacturing facility has been certified by the British Retail Consortium (BRC) as exceeding the standard “A” rating with a rarely achieved “AA” rating. BRC is a leading association certifying adherence to global standards in respect of food production, safety and quality. Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) participants undergo rigorous review and are recognized worldwide as adhering to the highest standards put forth in the food manufacturing industry. Strict adherence to the BRC Global Standards for Food Safety is reviewed diligently during an audit that lasts several days, and takes into account every stage of the manufacturing process including:
Commitment from senior management, which includes periodic reviews and internal audits on the effectiveness of current programs
Hazard analysis and critical control point (HACCP) based food safety programs which ensures any dangerous component of product or process is prevented from reaching the marketplace.
Food Safety/Quality
A food-safety/food-quality management system managing incidents of product withdrawal and/or recall, of which Backerhaus Veit has had none, confirmed by our top rating.
Site Standards
Site standards, which ensures that, among other considerations, the building’s “layout, utilities and security, and the surrounding area are safe for food production”
It is a reflection of the entire Backerhaus Veit team’s commitment to baking safe, wholesome bread that has allowed us to consistently achieve this exceptional rating and we are very excited to share this achievement with you – a reflection of the passion that exists in everything we bake.

Vegan Certified
VegeCert, is a non-profit organization that certifies vegan and vegetarian food products. Vegans and Vegetarians represent approximately 5% of American and Canadian consumers, and VegeCert helps this key demographic make informed decisions about the food that they eat.
VegeCert is unique in that we make physical inspections of our certified food manufacturing facilities to ensure that they conform to VegeCert’s high standards.

Kosher Pareve Certified
COR is the Kosher certification trademark trusted by consumers the world over as it notifies them that a particular product is in full compliance with set Kosher standards.
COR has been servicing the Canadian food industry for over 60 years and now certifies 70,000 products at approximately 1000 facilities across Canada and around the world.
Registered with New York State Department of Agriculture & Markets Kosher Registry